Richard Osgood, Jr. (1943-2023)
Higgins Professor Emeritus of Electrical Engineering and Professor Emeritus of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics
Research Interests
Integrated optical devices and design; Surface physics of oxides, 2-D materials, and semiconductors; New laser source; Advanced oxides; and Optical physics and simulationRichard M. Osgood Jr. joined Columbia University in 1981 and became Higgins Professor of Electrical Engineering and Applied Physics in 1988. He served as an associate director of Brookhaven National Laboratory from 2000 to 2002 and its acting Nanocenter Director, 2002. Professor Osgood was, with Professor Yang, a cofounder of the Columbia Microelectronics Sciences Laboratories (MSL), and has served as director or codirector of MSL and the Columbia Radiation Laboratory (CRL). He is a member of the ACS and MRS, and a fellow of the IEEE, OSA, and the APS. He was coeditor of Applied Physics (1983-95) and associate editor of the IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics (1981-88). Professor Osgood has served as a consultant to numerous research institutions and government agencies including MIT Lincoln Laboratory. He is also on the DARPA Defense Sciences Research Council (Materials Research Council) and the Los Alamos National Laboratory Visiting Advisory Board (Chemical Sciences and Technology Division). Professor Osgood has served as councilor of the Materials Research Society, as a member of the DOE Basic Energy Sciences Advisory Committee, and the scientific advisory board of Brookhaven National Laboratories. In 1991, Dr. Osgood received the R. W. Wood Award from the Optical Society of America, and was invited to deliver the OIDTA lecture at the Japanese Optical Association.
Professional Experience
1988-2014: Higgins Professor Emeritus of Applied Physics and of Electrical Engineering
2010-2012: Director, Columbia University Center for Integrated Science and Engineering
2000-2002: Associate Laboratory Director, Brookhaven National Laboratory
1988-2014: Higgins Professor of Applied Physics and of Electrical Engineering
1982-1987: Professor, Departments of Applied Physics and of Electrical Engineering, Columbia University
1981-1982: Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Columbia University
1995 (3 mos.): Visiting Researcher, IBM T.J. Watson Research Laboratory
1994-1995: Visiting Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Mass. Inst. of Tech.
1989: Visiting Researcher, Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Garching, Germany
1990-present: Technical Director, Columbia Radiation Laboratory
1984-1990: Co-Director, Columbia Radiation Laboratory
1986-1990: Director, Columbia Microelectronics Sciences Laboratories
1983-1986: Acting Director, Columbia Microelectronics Sciences Laboratories
1980-1981: Project Leader, Direct-Write Processing Program, Lincoln Laboratory, MIT
1973-1980: Staff Member, Lincoln Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1976 (Aug.): Visiting Scientist, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory
1966-1969: Research Officer (Capt. U.S. Air Force), U.S.A.F. Avionics Laboratory
1965-1966: Research Officer, U.S.A.F. Materials Laboratory
Ph.D. (Physics), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1973
M.S. (Physics), Ohio State University, 1968
B.S., U.S. Military Academy, 1965
Honors & Awards
Member National Academy of Inventors, 2015
IEEE Photonics Society - Quantum Electronics Award, 2015
American Physical Society Traveling Lectureship, 1992
R.W. Wood Prize from the American Optical Society, 1991
Awarded Japanese Honorary Lectureship for OITDA (Optical Device Association) 1991
IEEE LEOS Traveling Lecturer 1986-1987
John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship, 1989
Fellow, American Physical Society (APS)
Fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)
Fellow, Optical Society of America (OSA)
Councilor, Materials Research Society, (1983 - 1987)
Hertz Foundation Predoctoral Fellow at M.I.T., (1970 - 1973)
Samuel Burka Award (with Dr. W. Eppers), best technical paper, Air Force Avionics Lab., 1968
Associate Editor, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, (1981 - 1988)
Co-Editor, Materials Science and Engineering series (Springer-Verlag)
Co-Editor, Applied Physics, (1983-1995)
Scientific Advisory Board (Vice Chairman) - Brookhaven National Laboratory (1998-2000)
Chair, Brookhaven National Laboratory Search Committee – Associate Lab, Director of BES.
Visiting Board, ARO Physics Division Program Review, 2003
Visiting Board - Chemical Science and Technology, Los Alamos National Lab (1986 - present)
Visiting Board - Chemical Sciences, Pacific Northwest Labs (1997)
Advisory Board, MIT Spectroscopy Lab (1983 - 1990)
Consultant, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Solid-State Electronics Division (1993-1994)
Member, DOE Basic Energy Sciences Advisory Committee (1989-1991)
Member, DOE Energy Research Advisory Panel on Advanced Isotope Separation, 1980
Member Materials Research Council (DARPA) (1984-1990)
Member of Steering Committee, Defense Sciences Research Council, DARPA (1991-1998)
Ad Hoc Member U.S.A.F. Scientific Advisory Board (Electronics) (1997)
Organizing Comm., 1997 OSA Topical Meeting, Chem. and Phys. of Small-Scale Structures
Organizing Committee, 1996-99 Physical Electronics Conferences
Selection Committee, R.W. Wood Prize, Optical Society of America (1995)
Committee of Visitors: DOE BES Chemistry (2003); DOE BES Facilities (2004); DOE EFRCs(2013);
Chair: DOE BES Facilities (2006); SubChair, Board of Visitors BES Facilities (2009) (Nanocenters)
Review panel PNNL, Environmental Molecular Science Lab (2008, 2010)
Subsection Leader for DOE Workshop on Future Light Sources (2008-2009)
DOE BESAC Review Panel on Further Light Sources and Science (2013)
DoE Review Panel, PNNL – Chemical Physics, Northwestern Catalysis Center
American Institute of Physics: Venture Partnership Fund Committee (2016 -2016)
Recent Publications
1. P. Bullen, P. Bullen, Microscopy and microRaman study of periodically poled domains
in deeply thinned lithium niobate wafers, Optical Materials
2. Jacob Rothenberg, C. P. Chen, Jason J. Ackertz, J. Dadap, Andrew Knights, K.
Bergman, R. M. Osgood, Jr, R. R. Grote, “Experimental demonstration of coherent
perfect absorption in a silicon photonic racetrack resonator” Optics Letts, (2016)
3. Alex Meng, R. M. Osgood, Jr “A rigorous theoretical analysis of a surface-plasmon
nanolaser with monolayer MoS2 gain medium”
4. Denis Potapenko, Gisele, Gomes, R. M. Osgood, Jr."Correlation between O-H bond
energy and nanoscale elastic surface strain on a rutile TiO2(110) surface." (2016)
5. Denis Potapenko, Zhisheng, Li, R. M. Osgood, Jr, "Photoreactions on a Single Isolated
TiO2 Nanocrystal on Au(111): Photodecomposition of TMAA" J. Phys. Chem.: C,
6. P. –C. Yeh, W. Jin, N. Zaki, J. Kunstmann, D. Chenet, G. Arefe, J. T. Sadowski, J. I.
Dadap, P. Sutter, J. Hone, R. M. Osgood, Jr., “Direct measurement of the tunable
electronic structure of bilayer MoS2 by interlayer twist.” Nano Letters (2015)
7. R. El-Ganainy, J. I. Dadap, R. M. Osgood, “Optical parametric amplification via non-
Hermitian phase matching.” Optics Letters, (2015)
8. W. Jin, P.-C. Yeh, N. Zaki, D. Chenet, G. Arefe, Y. Hao, A. Sala, T. Onur Mentes, J. I.
Dadap, A. Locatelli, J. Hone, R. M. Osgood, Jr., “Direct Measurements of the
Electronic Structure of Twisted Graphene/MoS2 van der Waals Heterostructures.”
Phys. Rev. B 92, 201409(R) (2015) (Rapid Communications, Editors' Suggestion)
9. M. Levy, A. Chakravarty, H.-C. Huang, R. M. Osgood Jr., “Large magneto-optic
enhancement in ultra-thin LPE iron garnet films.” Appl. Phys. Lett 107, 011104 (2015)
10. J. B. Driscoll, R. M. Osgood, Jr., R. R. Grote, J. I. Dadap, N. C. Panoiu, “Squeezing
Light in Wires: Fundamental Optical Properties of Si Nanowire Waveguides.” (Invited
paper) J. Lightwave Technol., 33, 14 (2015)
11. R. Lou, Z. Liu, W. Jin, H. Wang, Z. Han, K. Liu, X. Wang, T. Qian, Y. Kushnirenko,
S.-W. Cheong, R. M. Osgood Jr., H. Ding, S. Wang, “Sudden gap closure across the
topological phase transition in Bi2-xInxSe3.” Phys. Rev. B 92, 115150 (2015)
12. B. Kuyken, F. Leo, S. Clemmen, U. Dave, H. Zhao, X. Liu, J. Safioui, S. Coen, S.P.
Gorza, S. K. Selvaraja, S. Massar, R. M. Osgood Jr., P. Verheyen, J. Van Campenhout,
R. Van Laer, R. Baets, W. M. J. Green, G. Roelkens, “Nonlinear optical interactions in
silicon waveguides.” (Submitted, Nanophotonics) (2015)
13. W. Jin, P.-C. Yeh, N. Zaki, D. Zhang, J. T. Liou, J. T. Sadowski, A. Barinov, M.
Yablonskikh, J. I. Dadap, P. Sutter, I. P. Herman, and R. M. Osgood, Jr., "Substrate
interactions with suspended and supported monolayer MoS2: Angle-resolved
photoemission spectroscopy." Phys. Rev. B 91, 121409(R) (2015) (Rapid
14. H.-C. Huang, L. Zhang, G. Malladi, J. I. Dadap, S. Manandhar, K. Kisslinger, R. S. R.
Vemuri, V. Shutthanandan, H. Bakhru, and R. M. Osgood, Jr., “Radiation damage by
light- and heavy-ion bombardment of single-crystal LiNbO3”, Opt. Mater. Express 5,
1071–1088 (2015)
15. R. Lou, Z. Liu, W. Jin, H. Wang, Z. Han, K. Liu, X. Wang, T. Qian, Y. Kushnirenko,
S.-W. Cheong, R. M. Osgood, Jr., H. Ding, S. Wang, “A Sudden Gap-Closure Cross the
Topological Phase Transition in (Bi1−xInx)2Se3 Single Crystals.” Phys. Rev. B 92, 5150-
5150 (2015)
16. H.-C. Huang, G. Malladi, L. Zhang, J. I. Dadap, K. Kisslinger, H. Bakhru, and R. M.
Osgood, Jr., “Characterization of selective etching and patterning by sequential lightand
heavy-ion irradiation of LiNbO3”, Opt. Mater. 46, 1–5 (2015)
17. Z. Li, D. V. Potapenko, K. Taeg Rim, M. Flytzani-Stephanopoulos, G. W. Flynn, R. M.
Osgood, X.-D. Wen, E. R. Batista, “Reactions of deuterated methanol (CD3OD) on
Fe3O4(111).” J. Phys. Chem. C, 119,, 1113–1120) (2015)
18. Z. Li, D. V. Potapenko R. M. Osgood, “Using Moiré Patterning to Map Surface
Reactivity versus Atom Registration: Chemisorbed Trimethyl Acetic Acid on
TiO/Au(111)”. J. Phys. Chem. C, 118; 29999–30005 (2015)
19. Z. Li, D. V. Potapenko, R. M. Osgood, “Controlling surface reactions