The Applied Mathematics Colloquium meets on selected Tuesday afternoons during the academic year, from 2:45-3:45 p.m. ET.


Most seminars will take place in room 214 Mudd from 2:45-3:45 PM and will be offered in a hybrid format, unless otherwise noted.

Wednesday, 9/4/24
2:00 PM, 210 Mudd (APAM Conference Room)
Jack Xin, UC Irvine
Computing Entropy Production Rates and Chemotaxis Dynamics in High Dimensions by Stochastic Interacting Particle Methods

Monday, 9/9/24
4:00-5:00 PM, 210 Mudd (APAM Conference Room)
David Keyes, KAUST
"Efficient Computation through Tuned Approximation"

Tuesday, 9/10/24
2:45-3:45 PM, 214 Mudd
Samuli Siltanen, University of Helsinki
"CT scans without X-rays: parallel-beam imaging from nonlinear current flows"

Tuesday, 9/17/24
2:45-3:45 PM, 214 Mudd
Nicolas Trillos, University of Wisconsin Madison
"Minimax rates for the learning of spectra of differential operators from data"

Tuesday, 9/24/24
2:45-3:45 PM, 214 Mudd
Micah Goldblum, Columbia University
"Bridging the gap between deep learning theory and practice"

Tuesday, 10/1/24
2:45-3:45 PM, 214 Mudd
Arian Maleki, Columbia University
"Image acquisition challenges in the presence of speckle noise"

Friday, 10/11/24
Joint Materials / Applied Math / DSI Colloquium
11:00 AM, 214 Mudd and Zoom
Vitaliy Kurlin, University of Liverpool
"The Crystal Isometry Principle"

Tuesday, 10/15/24
2:45-3:45 PM, 214 Mudd
Alexander B. Vladimirsky, Cornell University
"Stochastic switching systems: abrupt context changes and structured uncertainty"

Friday, 10/18/24
1:30-2:30 PM, 210 Mudd, APAM Conference Room
Li Wang, University of Minnesota
"Learning-enhanced structure preserving particle methods for nonlinear PDEs"

Tuesday, 10/22/24
2:45-3:45 PM, 214 Mudd
Gadi Fibich, Tel Aviv University
"Spreading Processes on Networks"

Wednesday, 10/30/24
11:00 AM-12:00 PM, 417 Mudd
Xiao-Chuan Cai, University of Macau and University of Colorado Boulder
"Parallel algorithms for modelling blood flows in the human cardiovascular system with clinical accuracy"

Monday, 11/4/24
Gang Bao, Zhejiang University
Some New Directions for Computational Inverse Problems 

Tuesday, 11/5/24
University holiday, no seminar

Tuesday, 11/12/24
2:45-3:45 PM, 214 Mudd
Reserved for Special SEAS Colloquium in Climate Science

Tuesday, 11/19/24
2:45-3:45 PM, 214 Mudd
Nat Trask, Univ of Penn
"Structure-preserving generative scientific machine learning with the finite element exterior calculus"

Tuesday, 11/26/24
2:45-3:45 PM, 214 Mudd
Di Qi, Purdue University
"Reduced-Order Moment Closure Models for Uncertainty Quantification and Data Assimilation"

Tuesday, 12/3/24
2:45-3:45 PM, 214 Mudd
Peng Chen, Georgia Tech
"Neural Surrogates for Fast and Scalable Bayesian Optimal Experimental Design"

Spring 2025

Tuesday, 1/28/25
2:45-3:45 PM, 214 Mudd
Special Applied Math Seminar

Wednesday, 1/29/25
4:00-5:00 PM, 214 Mudd
Special Applied Math Seminar

Friday, 1/31/25
1:00-2:00 PM, 214 Mudd
Special Applied Math Seminar

Monday, 2/3/25
1:00-2:00 PM, 210 Mudd
Special Applied Math Seminar

Tuesday, 2/4/25
2:45-3:45 PM, 214 Mudd
Solomon Quinn, Flatiron Institute
"Asymmetric transport in continuous topological insulators"

Monday, 3/10/25
4:00-5:00 PM, 214 Mudd
Thomas Chen, UT Austin

Tuesday, 3/11/25
2:45-3:45 PM, 214 Mudd
Donsub Rim, Washington University

Tuesday, 3/25/25
2:45-3:45 PM, 214 Mudd
Antoine Levitt, Univ Paris, Orsay

Tuesday, 4/1/25
2:45-3:45 PM, 214 Mudd
Fioralba Cakoni, Rutgers

Tuesday, 4/8/25
2:45-3:45 PM, 214 Mudd
John Harlim, Penn State

Tuesday, 4/22/24
2:45-3:45 PM, 214 Mudd
Josselin Garnier, Ecole Polytechnique


Most seminars will take place in room 214 Mudd and will be offered in a hybrid format, unless otherwise noted. A Zoom link will be distributed by email a few days before the event. You may also request the Zoom link for a seminar by sending an email to [email protected].

Sam Stechmann, University of Wisconsin
"Element learning: a systematic approach of accelerating finite element-type methods via machine learning, with applications to radiative transfer"

Alberto Bressan, Penn State University
"Hyperbolic conservation laws: past and future"

Linda Cummings, New Jersey Institute of Technology 
"Dewetting and dielectrowetting in thin films of nematic liquid crystals"

Yiping Lu, Courant Institute
"Simulation-Calibrated Scientific Machine Learning" 

Friday, 11:00 AM, 210 Mudd (APAM Conference Room)
José A. Carrillo, Oxford University
"Aggregation-Diffusion Equations for Collective Behaviour in the Sciences"

Monday, 11:00 AM, 210 Mudd (APAM Conference Room)
Leonardo Zepeda-Núñez, Google
"Statistical Downscaling via Optimal Transport and Conditional Diffusion Models"

Ari Stern, WUSTL
"Structure-preserving hybrid finite element methods"

Jiequn Han, Flatiron Institute
"Enjoy the Best of Both Worlds: A Neural-Network Warm-Start Approach for PDE Problems"

Fadil Santosa, John Hopkins University
"Modeling Plasmons on Graphene with Time- and Space-Dependent Properties"

Russ Caflisch, Courant Institute
"Optimization of the Boltzmann Equation"

Thursday, 10:00 AM, 214 Mudd
Qin Li, University of Wisconsin-Madison
"Accelerating optimization over probability measure space"

Pierre Amenoagbadji, Columbia University
"Wave propagation in quasiperiodic media"

Yifan Chen, Courant Institute
"Fast, Multimodal, and Derivative-Free Bayes Inference with Fisher-Rao Gradient Flows"

Jinchao Xu, KAUST and Penn State Univ 
"Deep Learning and Scientific Computing"

Yoonsang Lee, Dartmouth University
"Solving PDEs and learning dynamical systems using neural networks"

Andrew Stuart, Caltech
"Gradient Flows for Sampling: Mean-Field Models, Gaussian Approximations and Affine Invariance"  

Yimin Zhong, Auburn University
"How much can one learn a PDE from its solution?"

TBD - Fall 2024
Dmitry Batenkov, Tel- Aviv University


Most seminars will take place in room 214 Mudd and will be offered in a hybrid format, unless otherwise noted. A Zoom link will be distributed by email a few days before the event. You may also request the Zoom link for a seminar by sending an email to [email protected].

At this time, only Columbia University ID-holders and approved guests are invited to in-person talks. All others are invited to attend remotely.

Haizhao Yang, University of Maryland, College Park
"Finite Expression Method for Solving High-Dimensional PDEs"

Anuj Kumar, UC-Santa Cruz
"Optimal scalar transport using branching flows"

Special Day & Time, Thursday, 11:00 AM, 214 Mudd
Bjorn Engquist, UT Austin
"Globally convergent stochastic gradient descent"

Joint MSERC and Applied Math colloquium
Mitchell Luskin, University of Minnesota
"Modeling incommensurate trilayer van der Waals heterostructures"

Jack Xin, UC Irvine
"Relaxed Differentiable Methods for Two Level Optimization and Deep Neural Network Architecture Search"

Weilin Li, City College of New York, CUNY
"Super-resolution: theory and algorithms"

Special Day & Time, Friday, 2:45 PM, 227 Mudd
Robert Lipton, Louisiana State University
"Nonlocal Dynamic Fracture"

11/15/22 - Virtual only
Jian-Guo Liu, Duke University
"A selection principle for weak KAM solutions via Freidlin-Wentzell large deviation principle of invariant measures"

Jin-Peng Liu, UC Berkeley and MIT
"Efficient quantum algorithms for nonlinear ODEs and PDEs"

Georg Stadler, Courant Institute
"Taming nonlinearity by lifting Newton methods, with application to sea-ice modeling"

Special Day & Time, Monday, 11:30 AM, 227 Mudd
Youssef Marzouk, MIT
"Transport methods for simulation-based Bayesian inference and data assimilation"


Spring 2023

Lin Lin, UC Berkeley
"Quantum algorithms for eigenvalue problems"

Franca Hoffmann, Caltech
"Covariance-modulated Optimal Transport and Gradient Flows"

Wenpin Tang, IEOR Department, Columbia Engineering
"Phase transition in mean field models"

Eric Vanden Eijnden, NYU, Courant
"Generative Models for Sampling and Forecasting"

Andrew Stuart, Caltech
"The Mean-Field Ensemble Kalman Filter"

4:30 PM, Davis Auditorium, CEPSR
Distinguished Colloquium in Interdisciplinary & Applied Mathematics
Andrew Stuart, Caltech
"The Legacy of Rudolph Kalman: Applications, Algorithms and Analysis"

Mike O'Neil, Courant Institute
"Modern high-order integral equation methods for electromagnetic scattering"

Malena Español, Arizona State University
Friday, 1:00 PM, 214 Mudd
"Modeling the Mechanics of 2D Materials"

Jeff Calder, University of Minnesota
"Partial differential equations and graph-based learning"

Roy Lederman, Yale University
"The Geometry of Molecular Conformations in Cryo-EM"

Chunmei Wang, University of Florida
"Efficient Numerical Methods for Weak Solutions of Partial Differential Equations"


Most seminars will take place online, unless otherwise noted. A Zoom link will be distributed by email a few days before the event. You may also request the Zoom link for a seminar by sending an email to [email protected].

At this time, only Columbia University ID-holders and approved guests are invited to in-person talks. All others are invited to attend remotely.


Spring 2022

January 11, 2022
2:45 PM ET (virtual)
Xiaowen Zhu, University of California, Irvine
"From localization to superconductivity: on the Anderson model and on magnetic response in the twisted bilayer graphene (TBG)"

Januray 13, 2022
10:00 AM ET (virtual)
Justin Finkel, University of Chicago 
"Stratospheric extremes through the lens of transition path theory"

January 18, 2022
11:00 AM ET (virtual)
Tiffany Vlaar, University of Edinburgh
"Constrained and Multirate Training of Neural Networks"

January 20, 2022
11:00 AM ET (virtual)
Shanyin Tong, New York University
"Extreme Event Probability Estimation using PDE-Constrained Optimization and Large Deviation Theory, with Application to Tsunamis"

January 25, 2022
2:45 PM ET (virtual)
Jason Kaye, Flatiron Institute
"Efficient numerical algorithms for simulating quantum dynamics"

February 1, 2022
2:45 PM ET (virtual)
Liliana Borcea, University of Michigan
"A data driven reduced order model for the wave operator and its application to velocity estimation"

February 8, 2022
2:45 PM ET (virtual)
Christophe Josserand, CNRS & Ecole Polytechnique
"Freezing impacts and flows"

February 15, 2022
2:45 PM ET (virtual)
Antoine Gloria, Sorbonne Université
"Approximate Floquet Bloch theory for waves in quasi-periodic media"

February 22, 2022
2:45 PM ET (virtual)
Kaizheng Wang, IEOR, Columbia Engineering
"Adaptive and robust multi-task learning"

March 4, 2022
Friday, 2:00 PM, 210 Mudd, APAM Conference Room (hybrid)
David Keyes, KAUST
"Nonlinear Preconditioning for Implicit Solution of Discretized PDEs"

March 22, 2022
2:45 PM ET, 210 Mudd (hybrid)
Steve Strogatz, Cornell University
"The math and science of getting in sync" (video)

March 29, 2022
2:45 PM ET (virtual)
Carlos Fernandez-Granda, Courant Institute, NYU
"Deep learning for scientific discovery"

April 5, 2022
2:45 PM ET, 210 Mudd (hybrid)
Hari Sundar, University of Utah
"Local timestepping and 4D tree-based adaptivity: Enabling spacetime adaptivity for scalable numerical simulations"

April 12, 2022
2:45 PM ET (virtual)
Jingwei Hu, University of Washington
"Dynamical low-rank methods for solving high-dimensional collisional kinetic equations"

April 19, 2022
2:45 PM ET (virtual)
Maria Cameron, University of Maryland
"Computing transition paths in periodically driven Duffing oscillator arrays”

April 22, 2022
11:00 AM ET, 214 Mudd (hybrid)
Alejandro Aceves, SMU
“Modeling climate change: A dynamical systems approach”

April 26, 2022
2:45 PM (virtual)
Adrianna Gillman, University of Colorado, Boulder
"Fast direct solvers for boundary integral equations"



Fall 2021

September 21, 2021
2:45 PM ET
Bamdad Hosseini, Univ. of Washington
"Solving and Learning Nonlinear PDEs with Gaussian Processes"

September 28, 2021
2:45 PM ET
Amandine Aftalion, Center of Analysis and Social Mathematics (CAMS) | EHESS
"Modelling of Racing"

October 5, 2021
2:45 PM ET
John Wright, Columbia University
"Deep Networks and the Multiple Manifold Problem"

October 12, 2021
Special time: 11:00 AM ET
Michael Vogelius, Rutgers University
"Relations between scatterer regularity/geometry and the existence of nonscattering incident waves"

October 19, 2021
2:45 PM ET
Jose A. Carrillo, University of Oxford
"The Landau equation: Particle Methods & Gradient Flow Structure"

October 26, 2021
Special time: 11:00 AM ET
Arnulf Jentzen, University of Münster
Convergence proof for gradient descent optimization methods in the training of deep neural networks"

November 9, 2021
2:45 PM ET
Katy Craig, University of California, Santa Barbara
"A Blob Method for Diffusion and Applications to Sampling and Two Layer Neural Networks"

November 16, 2021
2:45 PM ET
Laurent Demanet, MIT
"Inversion and imaging with deepfake data"

November 30, 2021
2:45 PM ET
Jack Xin, UC Irvine
"DeepParticle: deep-learning invariant measure by minimizing Wasserstein distance on data generated from an interacting particle method"

December 3, 2021
Friday, 11:00 AM ET
Jose Israel Rodriguez, University of Wisconsin, Madison
"Estimating Gaussian mixtures using sparse polynomial moment systems"

December 14, 2021
2:45 PM ET
Sonia Fliss, ENSTA
"The Halfspace Matching Method or How to Solve Scattering Problems in Complex Media"


All seminars will take place online, via Zoom, and a link will be distributed by email a few days before the event. You may also request the Zoom link for a seminar by sending an email to [email protected].

Spring 2021

January 19, 2021 - C. T. Kelley, North Carolina State University
Anderson Acceleration: Convergence Theory and Numerical Experience
Host: Kyle Mandli

January 26, 2021 - George Karniadakis, Brown University
Approximating functions, functionals, and operators using deep neural networks for diverse applications
Host: Qiang Du

February 9, 2021 - Fabio Nobile, EPFL
Dynamical Low Rank approximation of random time dependent PDEs
Host: Amir Sagiv

February 16, 2021 - Franca Hoffmann, University of Bonn
Using Continuum Limits To Understand Data Clustering And Classification
Host: Amir Sagiv

February 23, 2021 - Benedetto Piccoli, Rutgers University-Camden
Energy-efficient traffic smoothing via AVs and mean-field models for traffic
Host: Qiang Du

March 9, 2021 - Christoph Schwab, ETH Zürich
Multilevel Analysis of Gaussian Random Fields: Covariance Compression, Estimation and Spatial Prediction
Host: Qiang Du

March 16, 2021 - Alexander Watson, University of Minnesota
Existence and computation of exponentially localized Wannier functions for non-periodic materials
Host: Michael Weinstein

March 23, 2021 - Alex Townsend, Cornell University
Computing the spectra of differential operators 
Host: Qiang Du

April 6, 2021 - Michael Brenner, Harvard University
Machine Learning of Partial Differential Equations
Host: Qiang Du

April 13, 2021 - Habib Ammari, ETH Zurich
Wave interaction with subwavelength resonators
Host: Amir Sagiv


Fall 2020

September 22, 2020 - Chun Liu, Illinois Institute of Technology
"Generalized law of mass action (LMA) with energetic variational approaches (EnVarA) and applications"
Host: Qiang Du

September 29, 2020 - Wen Shen, Penn State
"Nonlocal Models for Traffic Flow"
Host: Qiang Du

October 27, 2020 - Francis Giraldo, Naval Postgraduate School
"Recent Results with Element-based Galerkin Nonhydrostatic Atmospheric Models"
Host Kyle Mandli

November 10, 2020 - Braxton Osting, University of Utah
"Extremal Steklov Eigenvalues"
Host: Amir Sagiv

November 17, 2020 - Nathan Kutz, University of Washington
"Discovery of Dynamical Models from Data"
Host: Amir Sagiv

December 1, 2020 - Gal Mishne, University of California San Diego
"From local neighborhoods to global embeddings: unveiling structure in high-dimensional data"
Host: Amir Sagiv


9/17/19: Henry Lam, IEOR/Columbia University
"Enhancing efficiency and flexibility of stochastic gradient estimation"

9/17/19: John Schotland, University of Michigan
"Quantum Optics in Random Media"

9/26/19: Jonathan Weare, Courant Institute (Joint seminar)
"Fast randomized iterative numerical linear algebra for quantum chemistry and other applications"

9/27/19: Chandrajit Bajaj, University of Texas at Austin
"Learning the Koopman operator for dynamic data"

10/1/19: Yue Yu, Lehigh University
“A Multiscale/Multiphysics Coupling Framework for Bioprosthetic Heart Valves (BHVs) Damage”

10/11/19: Gadi Fibich, Tel Aviv University
"Diffusion of new products in social networks"

10/22/19: Charlie Epstein, University of Pennsylvania / Flatiron Institute
“The Geometry of the Phase Retrieval Problem”

10/29/19: Rustum Choksi, McGill University
"Optimal Quantization: Gersho's Conjecture in 3D and Navigating the Energy Landscape"

11/12/19: Bo Li, UCSD
"Variational Implicit-Solvent Predictions of the Ligand-Receptor (Un)Binding Kinetics"

11/19/19: Miranda Holmes-Cerfon, NYU
"Rolling versus sliding: the relative dynamics of DNA-coated colloids"

12/3/19: Ralph Smith, North Carolina State University
"Active Subspace Techniques to Construct Surrogate Models for Complex Simulation Codes"

12/4/19: Thomas Yizhao Hou, Caltech
"Recent Progress on Singularity Formation of 3D Euler Equations and Related Models"

2/18/20: Stefan Steinerberger, Yale University
"Polynomials with many roots - the mean field limit of differentiation"

2/24/20: Lorenzo Tamellini, CNR-IMATI Pavia
"Sparse-grids-based Uncertainty Quantification of geochemical compaction of sedimentary basins"

2/25/20: Alejandro Aceves, Southern Methodist University
"Light filament science: Old perspectives and new paradigms"

3/3/20: Chi-Wang Shu, Brown University
"Stability of time discretizations for semi-discrete high order schemes for time-dependent PDEs"

3/10/20: Barak Sober, Duke University
"The Manifold Moving Least-Squares (Manifold-MLS) Framework: estimating manifolds and reconstructing their atlas from discrete data sets"

3/24/20: Victor Preciado, University of Pennsylvania
"Optimal Resource Allocation to Control Epidemic Outbreaks in Networked Populations"


10/1/18: Nick Trefethen, University of Oxford / NYU
"Numerical computation with rational and harmonic functions"

10/2/18: Haizhao Yang National University of Singapore
"O(N log N) algorithms for matrix multiplications from highly oscillatory phenomena"

10/9/18: Xu Yang, University of California, Santa Barbara
"Frozen Gaussian approximation for 3-D elastic wave propagation and seismic tomography"

10/11/18: Weizhu Bao, National University of Singapore
"Multiscale methods and analysis for the Dirac equation in the nonrelativistic limit regime"

10/23/18: Nawaf Bou-Rabee, Rutgers University, Camden
"Sticky Diffusions & their Numerical Solution"

10/30/18: Pavel M. Lushnikov, University of New Mexico
"Nonlinear waves and singularities in nonlinear optics, plasmas, hydrodynamics and biology"

11/13/18: Anne Gelb, Dartmouth College
"High order imaging techniques for synthetic aperture radar"

11/27/18: Benjamin Peherstorfer, Courant Institute, NYU
"Model reduction for transport-dominated problems via adaptive basis updates"

12/4/18: Keaton Burns, Flatiron Institute "Flexible algorithms for solving PDEs with spectral methods"

2/12/19: Kyle Thicke, Duke University
"Electronic structure algorithms for computing edge states and accelerating DFT calculations"

2/19/19: Weiqi Chu, Penn State University
"First-Principal based model reduction method with applications in molecular dynamics"

2/21/19: Kevin DallaSanta, Courant Institute, NYU
"The circulation response to volcanic eruptions: investigating with a hierarchy of models"

2/26/19: Maurice Fabien, Rice University
"A discontinuous Galerkin method for flow and transport in porous media"

3/5/19: Liliana Borcea, University of Michigan
"Reduced order model approach for inverse scattering"

3/12/19: Richard Mikael Slevinsky, University of Manitoba
"FastTransforms and A Nonlocal Vector Calculus on the Sphere"

4/16/19: Max Gunzburger, Florida State University
"Quo vadis UQ?"


Columbia University makes every effort to accommodate individuals with disabilities. If you require disability accommodations to attend an event at Columbia University, please contact the Office of Disability Services at 212.854.2388 or [email protected].