Instruction is provided by senior faculty members who are leaders in their field.

I. C. Noyan: Professor and Administrative Director
Research Interests: x-ray and neutron scattering, radiation sources and detectors

Cheng-Shie Wuu: Professor and Program Director; Graduate Advisor
Research Interests: 3-D gel dosimetry with optical-CT scanning, image-guided radiation therapy, Cerenkov radiation measurement, dosimetry for radiation-induced secondary cancer, microdosimetry, biophysical modeling

Zohaib Y. Ahmad: Adjunct Associate Professor (APAM)  - Assistant Professor of Radiology at the Columbia University Medical Center
Research Interests: diagnostic radiology and musculoskeletal radiology

Sean Berry: Adjunct Associate Professor (APAM): Automation in segmentation and radiotherapy planning, QA, and delivery, Quality and Safety in radiotherapy, Transit dosimetry.

Peter Caracappa: Chief Radiation Safety Officer / Executive Director of RS Programs / Medical Physics Adjunct Professor
Research Interests: Radiation Dosimetry, Medical Health Physics, Monte Carlo Simulation, Radiation Protection

Perry S. Gerard: Adjunct Professor of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics
Research Interests: Anatomy

Klaus A. Hamacher: Associate Professor (Radiology)  / Medical Physics Affiliated Faculty
Research Interests: molecular imaging (Nuclear Medicine, PET, Nuclear Cardiology), dosimetry, image processing, diagnostic medical physics.

Monique Katz: Special Lecturer/ Medical Physics Affiliated Faculty
Research Interests:  Diagnostic radiology and radiographic image quality.

Stephen L. Ostrow: Adjunct Professor
Research Interests: radiological engineering; health physics; standoff detection of explosives, toxic chemicals, and nuclear materials.

Boyu Peng: Adjunct Associate Professor (APAM) / Associate in Radiology, CUMC
Research Interests:radiation dose modeling and optimization, feature segmentation in medical imaging, and deep learning models for radiation dose estimation, as well as disease and risk prediction

Lawrence N. Rothenberg: Adjunct Professor
Research Interests: diagnostic x-ray image quality assessments, mammography and CT dosimetry, radiation protection.

Anna Rozenshtein: Associate Professor / Medical Physics Affiliated Faculty
Research interests: functional cardiac CT and MR, education (effect of massed vs interleaved methods of instruction on recall and induction in visual pattern recognition training), medical economics.

Marco Zaider: Adjunct Professor / Columbia University
Research Interests: medical physics, biophysical modeling, microdosimetry, quantum chemistry, radiation transport.

Pat Zanzonico: Adjunct Professor (APAM), Attending Physicist and Head of Small-Animal Imaging Core Facility (MSKCC): biomedical research on radionuclide-based methods for detecting and localizing tumor hypoxia, immune effector-cell trafficking, patient-specific dosimetry for radionuclide therapies, and small-animal and molecular imaging.